Aug 23, 2007

Letter to Lee Lam Thye

Datuk Lee Lam Thye,
Tingkat 29, Menara Tun Razak,
Jalan Raja Laut,
Peti Surat 29,
50350 Kuala Lumpur.

Dear Datuk Lee,


With regards to our teleconversation, I'm sending you the copy of a letter which I sent to YB Datuk Ong Ka Ting (MCA president), highlighting complaints which I have made against several MCA officials. More than a week has gone by and despite the fact that I've called his office on several occasions, I've been given the runaround by his assistants & up to the present moment, I've not received any reply from YB Datuk Ong. Probably he thinks these complaints are too inconsequential for him to respond to.

It is my sincere hope that Suhakam can investigate this matter thoroughly and as such, help to champion the cause of the disabled with regards to job oppotunities.

Let's hope that the disabled community will have a brighter future when it comes to employment oppotunities. Thank you for your kind consideration and I look forward to a favourable reply.

Alfred Ho



Anonymous said...

Hello Alfred,

I am very surprised that Lee Lam Thye did not respond to your letter at all. It is either a)he has too much to do, b)your letter did not reach him or c)he lost interest in fighting for the down trodden since he became an ambassador for the government. Your case is a clearly a labour issue. You should take up the matter with the various labour organizations. You can also post at to highlight your case. There is a forum about labour issues. Someone might see your predicament and offer some advice. I am still amazed that a blind person can make such a nice looking blog.

From Warga (Aug 22nd 2007)

Alfred Ho said...

Thank you for your kind comments but in my personal opinion lee lam thye is an opportunist & has become arrogant ever since he hopped from the DAP to join the barisan nasional. To me, he is a traitor to all right thinking malaysians as he is only seeking personal glorification, wealth & the many honorific titles that have been bestowed upon him by the government in such a short time. It is my fervent hope that all right thinking malaysians including your goodself, cast your votes for the opposition with the hope that we can bring in a better government that treats every malaysian citizen equally & where persecution & discrimination will be things of the past.

So my good friend, remember to vote wisely in the forthcoming general elections, for once a mistake is made there is no turning back.

Finally, thanks for your valuable advice. I shall try to post my letters on the malaysian forum website as suggested.


Posted by Alfred Ho to Warga on August 22, 2007 8:22 AM

Anonymous said...

hi Alred, i have been humiliated by SUHAKAM for years, interested to know !?

Alfred Ho said...
