Oct 7, 2007

4 Million Can't Vote This Year

The elections commission is just another tool of the Barisan government. Of course the ruling party knows very well that there is a lot of resentment towards them by the public at large, and as such, these crooks want to try to discourage the new voters from voting, so that they can still hold on to power.Therefore, I wish to urge all Malaysians to register with the elections commission as soon as possible so that you can exercise your right to vote, as your vote might be crucial in bringing about change for our country. The only way to bring about the downfall of this very corrupt, discriminatory and inefficient government is to vote in the opposition with the hope that we will see better days, and when all Malaysian citizens will be treated equally. So vote wisely, my dear friends, for once a mistake is made, there is no turning back.

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