Oct 14, 2007

Flap Over MM's Remarks On Non-Malays

Lee Kuan Yew is more than qualified to put forth his views with regards to Malaysia. Granted, that his government is a little authoritarian, but at least, all Singaporeans are treated equally, and the needs of his citizens are all well taken care of. It is no exaggeration when I say that none of the Barisan politicians can match the intelligence of Lee Kuan Yew. May I suggest to the man with 2 Mohammads in his name to retire and stop making uncalled-for statements. He should just enjoy all his ill-gotten gains before his maker decides to call him to account for his many crimes towards mankind. Gerakan is as usual playing to the gallery again, with Chia Kwang Chye criticizing Lee Kuan Yew. Politicians like him should be kicked out of office.

By the way, Tee Keat, you have spoken well this time, although I wonder how your superiors would react to your outspoken views. Tell me, sir, does team A and team B still exist? Finally, Tee Keat, the doors to the opposition are still wide open to you, so when are you coming to join us for we certainly need intelligent and sincere people such as your good self. Please give this matter some consideration before it's too late.

1 comment:

anutahu said...

I m glad that u will join DAP soon. I hope that DAP can try to put more focus to attract Malay & cooperate with Malay community. Help the poor Malay who is victim of BN.
