Oct 25, 2007

Lingam Tape Panel

The demands made by the ACA to Anwar and the PKR is most disgraceful and deplorable. I strongly urge Anwar and his party to stand their ground and not give in to demands of the ACA to surrender the now infamous Lingam video tape. Instead of investigating the culprits, the ACA has decided to intimidate the whistle blowers and this is really uncalled for.

How much longer is the government going to take us Malaysians for fools? To show the ruling administration that enough is enough, let us all right thinking citizens of Malaysia come out in full force on the 10th of November to stand for our rights by supporting the elections watchdog to fight for a clean and fair election. I wish to conclude by asking the ruling administration as to how Malaysians will benefit after having spent about 100 million dollars on a space tourist when that amount of money could have been better spent to improve the lives of its citizens.

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